Education Solutions

WheelHouse Solutions provides IT Services to educational institutions throughout the Kansas City, Missouri area.

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Is Using Technology a Part of Your Education Plan?

WheelHouse Solutions understands that today’s educational environment can rely, quite heavily, on technology. Educators are utilizing more and more cloud base technologies, to reach and inspire today’s students. While using technology can help meet your objectives, for education standards and reducing drop-out rates, it can also add a level of complexity to the educational process. But it doesn’t have to.

  • How are you managing the growth of devices on your network?
  • How are you applying policies to users?
  • Are you currently using a Mobile Device Management solution to manage school devices and track assets?
  • Are you spending a lot of time re-imaging school assets?
  • How are you handling multi-user devices, the your labs and library?

WheelHouse Solutions would love to have a conversation with you about how our IT Solutions can help take the worry out of IT and let the curriculum rely on the teacher, not the technology. Learn more about how our focused solutions can help you, whether you’re an internal IT staff member, looking to improve your environment, or you’re in need of an outsourced IT partner that you can trust.

Self-heal school PC assets in 45 seconds

Schools, districts, universities, colleges and other vocational training institutions confront unique IT challenges that consistently require the resource-draining process of re-imaging

  • Classrooms devices are misconfigured and running slow
  • School owned PCs are riddled with debilitating viruses from unsupervised usage
  • Daily reset and other device management issues for computer labs
  • Multi-user devices in libraries and kiosks open to abuse

The answer typically is to re-image. Not anymore.

Wheelhoue Solutions Persystent Suite simplifies the restoration and recovery process, by applying an automated self-healing capability that repairs and recovers any PC, without manual intervention. It, quickly and effectively, removes unauthorized changes to the operating system, while preserving the last known ideal state. But more importantly, it gets students, faculty and staff back up and running in seconds, and gives IT staff the detail to discover and prevent possible root causes.

More than just its patented repair/recovery capability, Persystent affordably addresses other critical requirements, like compliance, imaging control, disaster recovery, secure drive sanitization.

  • Reduce break/fix help desk incidents and costs by more than 70% with Persystent Suite
  • Automatically allows schools to repair/ recover from malware infection, hard drive corruption and user error in about 45 seconds-the time it takes to reboot a poorly performing device
  • Gets staff/students back up and running quickly and provides a “post mortem” report to determine changes and causes
  • Allows real-time fresh reset of computer labs after each class and, library devices, public kiosks and after each day– removes any unsanctioned files.
  • Three levels of repair/recovery (on or off the network) promotes the preservation of authorized files, settings and profiles.
  • More than 40% of all mission critical service outages are caused by misconfiguration — Persystent eliminates those issues
  • Gets IT out of the re-imaging business and extends the life-cycle of school-owned assets

Ensuring Curriculum Relies Upon The Teacher, Not The Technology

  • Managing automated configuration in classroom settings
  • Maintaining integrity across one school or multiple campuses
  • Ensuring institutional compliance (including secure configurations, demonstrating control of device asset inventory, etc…)
  • Budget-friendly

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